Accent en Rose, 1926Akzent in RosaAkzent in Rosa, 1926All AroundAloftAquarelle Gastebuch, 1925Aquarelle Sans TitreAquarelle aus Dem, 1922Aquarellentwurf, 1914AufleuchtenAutumn RiverBalancementBatonnets d'AppuiBauhaus, 1965BeruhigtBild Mit Weiber FormBlack FrameBlack Frame, 1922Black Lines, c.1913Black MarkBlueBustling Aquarelle, c.1923Carl Flinker, 1961Cercle sur Fond NoirCircle in a CircleCircles in CircleColor StudiesColor Study of SquaresColour StudiesCometesComposition 1911/12Composition IIComposition StormComposizione VIIIComposizione VIII, c.1923Counter-GravitationCrawlingDame In KrinolinenDas Grosse Tor Zu KiewDer Blaue ReiterDiagonal, 1930DiagonaleDominant CurveDominant Curve, c.1936EtoilesFarbstudie QuadrateFarbstudie Quadrate, c.1913Fixed, 1935FormFragment 2 for Composition VIIFrohlicher AufstiegGeflecht von Oben no. 231, c.1927Gelb Rot BlauGelber KreisGrand Torre, KievGravitationGreen Composition, 1923Grun, c.1929Heavy RedHelles Bild, 1913Homage to GrohmannHommage a GrohmannHommage to GrohmannHorizonale, c.1924Im Blau 1925Im Blau, c.1925Impression IIIImpression III (Concert), 1911Impression III, ConcertImpression III, Concert, 1911ImprovisationImprovisation 31 (Sea Battle) 1913Improvisation 9, 1910Improvisation KlammImprovisation No. 31, Sea Battle, c.1913Improvisation No. 35Improvisation No. 6Improvisation on Mahogany, 1910KandinskyKirche in Murnau, 1910Kleine Freuden, 1913Komposition Mit Schachbrettstreifen 1922Komposition VIIKomposition X, 1939Komposition X, c.1939Komposition mit Schachbrettstreifen, 1922Komposition, c.1911La Forme Rouge, 1938La Grande Piazza A KievLa Tension Double, 1938Les Trois Ovales, c.1942Liaison, 1932Lines and FiguresLittle WorldsLunchLyric CompositionMaintainingMan on a HorseMerry StructureMilder Vorgang, 1928Milieu AccompagneMit Und GegenMit dem Pfeil, c.1943Mit und Gegen, c.1929Multicolored Resonance, c.1928Murnau, 1909Murnau, the Garden II, 1910Murnau-Garden II, 1910Noeud Rouge, 1936Nuits de la Fondation 1966On the Theme of the Last JudgementOn the Theme of the Last Judgement, 1913One CenterPainting Number 200Plat Profond, 1930Plat-Profond, 1930Quiet HarmonyReciprocal AgreementReciprocal Agreement, c.1942Righe di SegniRougeSchwarzes Dreieck, 1923Schweres Rot, c.1924Seven, 1943Silent HarmonySky Blue, c.1940Soft Hard, 1927Solid GreenSpitze in Bogen 1927Spitze in Bogen, c.1927Spitzen In Bogen, c.1927Spitzen in Bogen 1927St. George IStencil, 1935StrahlenlinienStructure AngulaireSuccessionSuccession 1935Succession, c.1935Summer LandscapeTension in HeightThe Arrow, 1943The BridgeTheme Last JudgementThree Allies, 1936Trame Noire, 1922Trame Noire, c.1922Trente 1937Tribute to GrohmannTwentieth Century Art Masterpieces -Wassily Kandinsky - WatercolorTwo Black SpotsTwo Crosses, 1929Two Green PointsUntitled Watercolor, c.1923Upwards, 1929Vers Le Blue, c.1939Weiches HartWhite DotWhite White, 1929White Zig-ZagWithout TitleYellow Red Blue, c.1925Yellow, Red and Blue, c.1925Yellow, Red, BlueZersetzte SpannungZunehmen
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