A Yellow-Eyed Junco, Junco Phseonotus, Madera Canyon, Arizona, USAAbert's Towhee, Pipilo Aberti, California, USAAcorn Woodpecker Male on a Snag (Melanerpes Formicivorus), Arizona, USAAllen's Hummingbird (Selasphorus Sasin) Gathering Nectar at a Flower, North AmericaAllen's Hummingbird, Selasphorus Sasin, North AmericaAnna's Hummingbird Male (Calypte Anna) Feeding at a Hyssop Flower (Agastache), Arizona, USAAnna's Hummingbird Male (Calypte Anna) Feeding at a Red Tubular Flower, Arizona, USAAnna's Hummingbird, Calypte Anna, North AmericaAntenna and Face of Male Cecropia Moth, Hyalophora CecropiaArizona Alligator Lizard (Gerrhonotus Kingi), Chiricahua MountainsArizona Coral Snake Shedding (Micruroides Euryxanthus)Arizona Woodpecker Female Perched on a Snag (Picoides Arizonae), Arizona, USAArizona Woodpecker Female on an Oak Branch (Picoides Arizonae), Arizona, USAAsh-Throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus Cinerascens) Perched on an Agave Stalk Branch, Arizona, USAAsh-Throated Flycatcher (Myiarchus Cinerascens) Perched with Insect Prey in its Bill, Arizona, USABighorn Sheep Ram Resting, Ovis Canadensis, Yellowstone National Park, Montana, USABighorn Sheep Ram, Ovis Canadensis, Yellowstone National Park, Montana, USABlack-Bellied Magpie, Pica Hudsonia, North AmericaBlack-Chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus Alexandri), Madera Canyon, ArizonaBlack-Chinned Sparrow in Winter Plumage (Spizella Atrogularis) Perched on a Rock, Arizona, USABlack-Headed Grosbeak Male (Pheucticus Melanocephalus) on a Mesquite Tree, Arizona, USABlack-Headed Grosbeak Male (Pheucticus Melanocephalus) on a Snag, Arizona, USABlue-Throated Hummingbird, Lampornis Clemenciae, North AmericaBrewer's Sparrow (Spizella Breweri) on an Agave Leaf, Arizona, USABridled Titmouse (Baeolophus Wollweberi) on a Branch, Southern Arizona, USABridled Titmouse on a Snag (Baeolophus Wollweberi), Arizona, USABroad-Billed Hummingbird, Cynanthus Latirostris, Feeding at a Flower, Western North AmericaBrown Thrasher, Toxostoma Rufum, . Texas, USABuff-Bellied Hummingbird, Amazilia Yucatanensis, North AmericaCactus Wren on an Agave Leaf (Campylorhynchus Brunneicapillus), Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USACalliope Hummingbird Nectaring at Flowers, Stellula Calliope, New Mexico, USACalliope Hummingbird, Stellula Calliope, Feeding at a FlowerCedar Waxwing (Bombycilla Cedrorum) Eating a Pyracantha Berry, Arizona, USAChantarelle Mushrooms Growing on a Decaying Tree, Cantharellus, North AmericaChipping Sparrow in Winter Plumage (Spizella Passerina) Perched on an Ocotillo Branch, Arizona, USACommon Ground Dove Nest with Two Eggs, Columbina Passerina, Texas, USACommon Poorwill, Phalaenoptilus Nuttallii, Western USACosta's Hummingbird, Calypte Costae, Feeding at a Flower, California, USACosta's Hummingbird, Calypte Costae, Nest with Eggs, California, USACoyote, Canis Latrans, Eating an Elk, Cervus Elaphus, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USACrested Caracara, Caracara Plancus, Feeding on Vertebrate Prey, Texas, USACurve-Billed Thrasher (Toxostoma Curvirostre) on a Cholla Cactus Skeleton, Arizona, USACurve-Billed Thrasher Silhouette on a Cactus, Toxostoma Curvirostre, Southwestern USADark-Eyed Junco, Gray-Headed Form, Perched on a Rock (Junco Hyemalis), Arizona, USADouglas Fir Female or Seed Cone in the Snow, Pseudotsuga Menziesii, Western North AmericaEastern Bluebird Nest with Five Blue Eggs, Sialia Sialis, Eastern North AmericaEastern Screech Owl, Otus Asio, North AmericaElf Owl (Micrathene Whitneyi), Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USAFemale Anna's Hummingbird, Calypte Anna, Feeding at a Flower, California, USAFemale Broad-Tailed Hummingbird, Selasphorus Platycercus, Feeding at a Flower, North AmericaFemale Golden-Fronted Woodpecker, Melanerpes Aurifrons, Drinking, TexasFemale Northern Flicker (Colaptes Auratus), USAFemale Three-Toed Woodpecker, Picoides Tridactylus, at its Nest Hole in a Tree, North AmericaFemale Western Bluebird, Sialia Mexicana, with a Caterpillar in its Bill, Western North AmericaFemale Western Bluebird, Sialia Mexicana, with an Insect in its Bill, North AmericaFemale Williamson's Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus Thyroideus, North AmericaGambel's Quail Male (Callipepla Gambelii) on a Rock, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USAGila Woodpecker Female on a Lichen-Covered Snag (Melanerpes Uropygialis), Arizona, USAGila Woodpecker Male (Melanerpes Uropygialis) Perched on a Snag, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USAGrace's Warbler Female (Dendroica Graciae) Perched on a Branch, Arizona, USAGray Fox, Urocyon Cinereoargenteus, North AmericaGray Jay, Perisoreus Canadensis, North AmericaGreat Blue Heron, Ardea Herodias, Sunning Near its Nest, Venice, Florida, USAGreat Gray Owl in a Coniferous Forest (Strix Nebulosa) Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USAGreater Roadrunner (Geococcyx Californianus) Sunbathing on a Rock, Arizona, USAGreater Roadrunner Eggs in the Nest, Geococcyx Californianus, Western USAGreater Roadrunner at a Desert Waterhole, Geococcyx Californianus, Western USAHispid Cotton Rat, Sigmodon Hispidus, Texas, USAHoney Bee (Apis Mellifera) Swarm in a Mesquite Tree, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USAHooded Oriole Male (Icterus Cucullatus) on a Snag, Arizona, USAHouse Finch Male Perched on a Snag (Carpodacus Mexicanus), Western USAHouse Finch Male and Female (Carpodacus Mexicanus) on a Perch, Arizona, USAKilldeer (Charadrius Vociferous) Incubating Eggs on its Ground Nest on Rocky Soil, North AmericaLadder-Backed Woodpecker Female on an Oak Branch (Picoides Scalaris), Arizona, USALadder-Backed Woodpecker Male (Picoides Scalaris) on Agave Palmeri Seed Pods, Arizona, USALadder-Backed Woodpecker Male (Picoides Scalaris) on a Lichen-Covered Snag, Arizona, USALadder-Backed Woodpecker Male on a Lichen-Covered Snag (Picoides Scalaris), Arizona, USALadder-Backed Woodpecker, Picoides Scalaris, at its Nest Hole, North AmericaLazuli Bunting Male (Passerina Amoena) on a Snag, Arizona, USALazuli Bunting Male (Passerina Amoena) on an Ocotillo Branch, Arizona, USALincoln's Sparrow (Melospiza Lincolnii) Perched on a Rock, Arizona, USALincoln's Sparrow Nest with Four Eggs, Melospiza Lincolnii, North AmericaMale Allen's Hummingbird, Selasphorus Sasin, Feeding at a Flower, North AmericaMale Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte Anna) Hovering at Yellow Tubular FlowerMale Black-Chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus Alexandri, Feeding at a Flower, Western USAMale Blue-Throated Hummingbird, Lampornis Clemenciae, North AmericaMale Gila Woodpecker, Melanerpes Uropygialis, ArizonaMale Mallard Standing on Icy Water, Anas Platyrhynchos, North AmericaMale Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus Rufus) at ThistleMale Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus Rufus) at Wild Bergamot (Monard Fistulosa)Mexican or Gray-Breasted Jay, Aphelocoma Ultramarina, Western North AmericaMourning Cloak Butterfly, Nymphalis Antiopa, on Daisy Flowers, Family Nymphalidae, North AmericaMourning Dove (Zenaida Macroura) on a Snag, North AmericaMourning Dove Nest with Two Eggs, Zenaida Macroura, North AmericaNorthern Cardinal, Cardinalis Cardinalis, Nest with Eggs, North AmericaNorthern Flicker (Colaptes Auratus), USANorthern Mockingbird (Mimus Polyglottos) on a Snag, North AmericaNorthern Mockingbird Nest with Four Eggs, Mimus Polyglottos, North AmericaPipevine Swallowtail Butterfly Larva (Battus Philenor) Feeding on Pipevine, Arizona, USAPyrrhuloxia Male (Cardinalis Sinuatus) on an Oak Branch, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USAPyrrhuloxia Male (Cardinalis Sinuatus) on an Ocotillo Branch, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USARed Velvet Mites (Trombidium), TexasRed-Naped Sapsucker, Sphyrapicus Nuchalis, North AmericaRio Grande Leopard Frog (Rana Berlandieri) in a Duckweed Covered Pond, Lemna, TexasRio Grande Leopard Frog (Rana Berlandieri), TexasRoadrunner Sunbathing, Geococcyx Californianus, Western North AmericaRuby-Crowned Kinglet (Regulus Calendula) on a Cholla Cactus Skeleton, Arizona, USARufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus Rufus) Feeding at a Flower, Western North AmericaRufous Hummingbird Female (Selasphorus Rufus) Feeding at a Hyssop Flower (Agastache), Arizona, USARufous Hummingbird Male (Selasphorus Rufus) Feeding at Justicia Spicigera, Arizona, USARufous-Crowned Sparrow (Aimophila Ruficeps) Perched on a Cholla Cactus Skeleton, Arizona, USARufous-Crowned Sparrow (Aimophila Ruficeps) Perched on a Rock, Arizona, USASage Thrasher (Oreoscoptes Montanus) Perched on a Rock, Arizona, USASage Thrasher Drinking at a Water Drip (Oreoscoptes Montanus), Arizona, USAScaled Quail (Callipepla Squamata) on a Cholla Cactus Skeleton, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USAScott's Oriole Female (Icterus Parisorum) on a Cholla Cactus, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USAScott's Oriole Male (Icterus Parisorum) on an Agave Leaf, Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USASmooth-Billed Ani, Crotophaga Ani, North AmericaTree Swallow Nest with Hatchlings and an Unhatched Egg, Tachycineta Bicolor, North AmericaTufted Titmouse Nest with Six Eggs, Baeolophus Bicolor, Eastern North AmericaVerdinViolet-Green Swallow Nest with Four Eggs, Tachycineta Thalassina, North AmericaWarbling Vireo at its Nest with Young, Vireo Gilvus, North AmericaWestern Tanager Male (Piranga Ludoviciana) on Agave Seed Pods, Arizona, USAWestern Tanager Male (Piranga Ludoviciana) on a Snag, Western North AmericaWestern Wood-Pewee Juvenile (Conotopus Sordidulus) Perched, Arizona, USAWhite-Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia Leucophrys) Eating a Pyracantha Berry, North AmericaWhite-Crowned Sparrow Immature on a Cholla Cactus Skeleton (Zonotrichia Leucophrys), Arizona, USAWhite-Crowned Sparrow at a Water Drip for Attracting Birds (Zonotrichia Leucophrys), North AmericaWhite-Tailed Ptarmigan, Lagopus Leucurus, in Winter Plumage Almost Buried by Snow, North AmericaWhite-Tailed Ptarmigan, Lagopus Leucurus, in Winter Plumage, North AmericaWhite-Tailed Ptarmigan, Lagopus Leucurus, in its Plumage Between Summer and Winter, North AmericaWilson's Plover, Charadrius Wilsonia, North America
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