Butterfly, Dragonfly, and BeetlesCicadaInsect: Anostostoma AustralasiaeInsect: Deroplatys DisiccataInsect: Phasma NecydaloidesInsects: Aeshna Grandis and Stilbopteryx CostalisInsects: Aphana Submaculata and Membracis FetiataInsects: Blatta Gigantea, B. Petiveriana and Harpax OcellariaInsects: Centrotus Globularis, C. Furcatus and C. BiclavatusInsects: Ctenophora Pectinicornis, Tabanus TropicusInsects: Empusa Gonaylodes and E. LobinesInsects: Fulgora Candelaria and F. MaculataInsects: Fulgora Laternaria and F. CastresiiInsects: Libellula Axilena and L. PulchellaInsects: Libellula Portia, Nemoptera AngulataInsects: Locusta Cristata and L. FlavaInsects: Locusta Migratoria and Locusta DuxInsects: Mantis ReligiosaInsects: Pentatoma Rutilans and Raphigaster IncarntusInsects: Phryganea GrandisInsects: Phyllium SiccifoliaInsects: Pimpla Manifestator, Stephanus CoronatusInsects: Pterophylla OcellataInsects: Sirex Gigas, Tremex Columba and Joppa PictaInsects: Syrtomastes Paradoxus, Cerbus FlaveobusThree Insect ExamplesThree InsectsThree Insects in Flight
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