Gallery Page 6 1: A Fine Maw and Co Pitcher Decoration...Bachelor's Buttons 2: Beauty and the Beast...Boys and Girls Come Out to Play, c.1885 3: Canterbury Cathedral from the Meadows...Diana at the Bath, 1872 4: Elf and Queen of Garden, 1889...For Two Days and Two Nights the Boat Was Tossed Hither and Thither, the Story of Greece 5: Four Decorative Girls Go Round the Mulberry Bush...He Enjoys His Pipe He Enjoys His Bowl of Wine But Most of All He Enjoys His Three Fiddlers 6: He Left the Assembly Hiding His Face in His Cloak, from the Story of Greece by Mary Macgregor...I Saw Three Ships, c.1885 7: Illustration from Beauty and the Beast circa 1900...King Cup with Matricaria Chamomillae 8: La Primavera...London Pride 9: Lords and Ladies...My Lady's Chamber, Frontispiece to The House Beautiful 10: My Lady's Garden, From the Quiver of Love...Noah's Alphabet VI 11: Noah's Alphabet VII...Perseus Showing the Gorgon's Head, 'The Greek Mythological Legend', Published in London, 1910 12: Peter Pan, Mermaid on a Rock...Rose La France 13: Rosemary...Sweet Sultan 14: Sweet, Piercing Sweet Was the Music of Pan's Pipe, from the Story of Greece by Mary Macgregor...The Frog Prince, Procession, c.1900 15: The Frog Prince, The Fountain, c.1900...The Palace and All the Princess's Attendants Sleep and Will Go on Sleeping Till the Prince Arrives 16: The Princess Shares Her Dinner with the Frog, from The Frog Prince 1874...There Was a Lady Loved a Swine, c.1885 17: There was a Lady Loved a Swine...Where are You Going to My Pretty Maid? 18: Wild Oxeyes in Meads That Gaze, Illustration to Flora's Feast, a Masque of Flowers...Yea, Verily, Thou Art Odysseus', Illustration from the Story of Greece by Mary Macgregor
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