Gallery Page 3 1: 15th Century Mosque in Baku Being Visited by Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr...Aerial View of City at Night 2: Aerial View of City, People Walking Down Streets, and Mountains in the Distance...Ambulance Driver Knitting For the English Army During WWII 3: American Author James Baldwin...American Jeeps Travelling Through Completely Bombed Out Town During the Drive Towards Rome, Wii 4: American Matson Line Cruiser Mariposa Arriving in Pago Pago...An Entertainer Singing a Song at the Grand Hotel 5: An Exterior View of the Jai-Alai in Manila...Attendant Feeding Pigeons in Red Square 6: Australian Soldiers Patrolling the Jungle at Singapore before the Japanese Invasion...Author Vladimir Nabokov Looking at His Butterfly Collection 7: Author Vladimir Nabokov Looking at a Butterfly...Author Vladimir Nabokov's Butterfly Collection 8: Author Vladimir Nabokov's Doodlings...Basque Shepherder Bertrand Borda Carring a Stray Lamb Back to the Herd 9: Battleship During Us Navy Manuevers Off Hawaii...Bolshoi Theater in Revolution Square 10: Boris Chaliapin Sketching Sculptor Sergei Konenkov...British Citizen George A. Hogg Working at a Chinese Cooperative 11: British Foreign Secretary Sir Anthony Eden Sitting at His Desk with His Arms Folded...Buffalo Bayou Near Houston 12: Building Showing Damage Following a Bombing Raid...Catapult Launched SBC-3 Scout Plane Aboard Battleship Idaho BB-42, US Navy's Pacific Fleet Maneuver 13: Catherina Maria Alexandra Bielke, Daughter of Count and Countess Bielke...Children Playing Together at School 14: Children Playing at a Collective Farm...Chinese Laborer Lao Kung Smiling 15: Chinese Man Counting His Money...Climbing Mt. Fuji 16: Close Up Portrait of an Indian Soldier...Coal Miner's Daughter, Yorkshire 17: Coal-Blakened Rescue Miners Showering after Mine Disaster...Construction Workers Taking a Lunch Break, Construction of the Queens Midtown Tunnel New York City 18: Coolies Packing Cart in Front of a Large Billboards...Cowboy Mounting a Horse 19: Crew Member Sailing a Pilot Boat in Boston Harbor...Director of the Rockefeller Fund Project Dr. Henry A. Kissinger 20: Dirk Schwartz Wooing Pogie the Porcupine with an Ear of Corn...Drivers Waiting For Sailors Business at Pagoda Pier 21: Dublin Horse Show...Egyptians in Village of Fanara, Smoking Water Pipe, in Suez Canal Zone 22: Elderly Hobo, with Bundle Strapped to His Back, Walking Along Train Tracks...Engineers Studying Testing Results at the Langley Air Base Field 23: English Cabby Dutifully Knitting Sweater For British Soldier as He Waits at Taxi Rack on Oxford St...Exterior of the Mission Conception Near San Antonio, also known as the Alamo 24: Extraordinarily Skillful Russian Performing Bear Driving a Motorcycle...Farmers Preparing the Ground For Spring Planting 25: Female French Collaborator Having Her Head Shaved During Liberation of Marseilles...Finnish Lotta Svard Girls Watching for Russian Planes During an Air Raid Alert 26: Finnish Ski Patrol Soldiers Wearing Winter Camouflage...Fog Coming in over the Chimney Pots in Wales 27: Folk-Dance Performance, Part of Celebration of 20th Anniversary as a Communist State...French Resistance Fighter Aiming Pistol from a Doorway During the Allied Liberation of Marseilles 28: Frightened Children Taking Cover in the Woods During Russian Air Raid...General Douglas MacArthur at Haneda Field 29: General Douglas Macarthur Watching Explosion on Wolmi Through Binoculars...German Born Novelist Thomas Mann Sitting in Armchair at Home, Smoking Cigar and Reading a Book 30: German Family's Shoes on Back Porch...Girl Making Thread For Weaving 31: Good Distant Shot of Canaima National Park's World Famous Angel Falls Waterfall, Highest on Earth...Henry A. Wallce's Caravan Entering Mexico During a Visit 32: Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. During His Soviet Union Visit...Hungarian Political Refugee Showing His Children the Un Building 33: Hungarian Political Refugees Getting Off an Airplane...Irene and Pauline Csillag, Members of Hungarian Refugee Family Just Settled in the US 34: Irish Politician Eamon De Valera...Japanese Climbers Stopping at All Temples to Pray and Clap Hands for God 35: Japanese Defenders of Santo Tomas University...John O'Hara 36: John P. Morgan Jr. Upon His Arrival in New York City on the Queen Mary...Kite Festival, Hoshibana Village 37: Knitting For the English Army During WWII...Ladies Wearing Traditional Clothing, Attending the New Years Celebration 38: Lady Bernard Docker in Formal Dress at Fabulous Party Thrown by Her...Ligh Commission of France in Indo China Leon Pignon, Peering into the Distance from His Desk Office 39: Light Traffic across Tower Bridge on an Overcast Day...Living Quarters at British Nefeisha Bridge Post, in Suez Canal Zone 40: Local Irish Used as Extras For the Movie Moby Dick...Major Sidney Shelley and His Family Living in a Typhoonized Quonset Hut 41: Mamoru Shigemitsu and Imperial Army General Yoshijiro Umezu in Tokyo Bay...Man Standing in Crow's Nest of a Ship 42: Man Working as a Pole Chair Carrier...Medical Personnel Tending to a Wounded Soldier at a Field Hospital 43: Medici Tomb in the City of Florence...Men Pushing a Car Up a Street, Bilboards Overhead 44: Men Walking Through the Market, Billboards Overhead...Mexican Laborers Harvesting Carrots 45: Mexican Laborers Harvesting Spinach...Moslems at Prayer 46: Mother Carrying Her Son and Fish to a Boat...Mysterious Stone Statues on Easter Island 47: NY Yankee slugger Joe DiMaggio, May 1, 1939...Natives, Downing a Bull For Castration That Will Make It an Ox in Tristian Da Cunha 48: Naturalist Mme. Miriam Rothschild Working on Experiments with Fleas in Her Lab...Nikita S. Khrushchev Escorted by Rowsell Garst During His Tour of Us 49: Nikita S. Khrushchev Giving Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower a Souvenir...Nun Feeding an Elderly Patient 50: Nun Walking with Children at the New York Foundling Hospital...Old Women Sitting in the Market Place 51: Older Girl Helping Younger Tie Shoe in Russian Kindergarten...Part of the Us Display at the Atoms for Peace Exhibit, Showing the Reactor Cross Section 52: Patrons Outside the Duval Club Lunchroom in Oil Boom Town...People Living in Poor Housing Conditions, Gathered on Steps of Building 53: People Patronizing a Tea Shop on Market Day...Philip Roth 54: Philippine Islands...Polo Game in Progress at the Canlubang Sugarcane Plantation 55: Polo Player Wearing Intricately Tooled Boots...Portrait of Mrs. Albert Maverick, Sitting Outdoors 56: Portrait of an Emergency Squad Totasingh Hitasing Who Has Been in Singapore Police For 10 Years...Primitive Water Wheel Operating in a Tributary Stream of Han River 57: Prisoner Robert Hodges Sitting in His Cell Prior to Being Paroled from Prison For Christmas...Radio Corporation of America Executives Watching Brand New Invention Called Television 58: Raffles Square in Singapore...Roustabouts Take Time Off from Their Job in Oil Boom Town 59: Row of Seven Stone Statues Lined Up in a Row...Russian Children Dancing in Kindergarten 60: Russian Children Engaged in Kindergarten Activities...S.J. Perelman 61: Sail Barges Resting in the Mud at Low Tide as Cranes Loom Overhead on the North Bank of the Thames...Scenes of Ruin, People Fleeing in Fukui, as a Result of an Earthquake Disaster 62: Scenes of Ruin, People Fleeing, Buildings Burning, as a Result of an Earthquake Disaster...Sen. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire Visiting the Canal Zone 63: Sergeant Thomas Corn Sitting in Jeep, Getting Foot Bandaged...Sign Indicating a Minefield Amid the Ruins of the Monastery and Town of Monte Cassino 64: Sign on Border Warning You are Now Leaving British Sector...Snow Covering Trees Northeast of Lake Ladoga 65: Soldiers Raising American Flag at Atsugi Airbase as First American Occupation Forces Arrive...Soviet Ship Leaving Cuba with Missiles after the Us Demanded They Stop the Arms Building 66: Speaking at Podium and Mike, at American Writer's Congress...Street Scene 67: Street Scene: Laundry Hanging across Streets...Swedish Ski Meet 68: Swedish Soldiers Operating an 8Mm. Anti-Aircraft Machine Gun...Tattoo of a Ship Being Displayed on Arm of a Us Sailor 69: Teenagers at Rock 'N' Roll Concert...The Japanese Public Donating Their Aluminum Coins to Go Into Airplane Production 70: The Jugde During the War Criminals Sentencing...Tombstone of Bonnie Parker 71: Tombstone of Ganster Clyde Barrow...Troops of the Punjab Regiment Boarding a Train 72: Trout Caught in a Net...Two People on the Beach in Paradise Island, Tahiti 73: Two Small Chinese Children...US General Sutherland Checks Official Surrender Documents, USS Missouri 74: US Navy Aircraft Carrier Enterprise During Maneuvers in Hawaii...US Withdraws Army from Korea after Assassination of Kim Koo 75: US and Korean Soldiers Riding in a Jeep...Victims of a Bomb in Hiroshima Waiting to Be Examined by A.B.C.C 76: View Showing Cinzano Vermouth in Large Chianti Like Casks...View Showing the Chicago Tribune Building 77: View Showing the Interior of a Food Shop...View of a Child Posing for a Picture from a Story Concerning Jamaica 78: View of a Child Working on a Sugar Estate Posing For a Picture, A Week Before War with Japan...View of the Swimming Pool at the Army and Navy Club in Manila 79: View of the Victor Emmanuel Monument in the City of Rome...Vladimir Nabokov Catching a Butterfly 80: Volga River House on Bank of River, Water Source for Delta Villages, in Sturgeon Fishing Region...Woman Holding Her Baby 81: Woman Making Straw Hats by Hand...Women Working in Synthetic Fiber Plant 82: Women Working in the Textile Mill...Writer S.J. Perelman Talking on the Telephone 83: Writer S.J. Perelman at His Farm...Young Boy Giving a Baby a Piggy Back Ride 84: Young Boy Selling Icecream...Young Members of Young Girl's Training Corps Eating a Meal 85: Young Mother Holding Her Child...triped Tabby Cats on Beach as Man Goes Into Water to Catch Fish with Net on Society Island
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