Gallery Page 3 1: A Bald Eagle Vocalizing from a Treetop Perch...A Close View of the Skin of a Salmon in Breeding Colors 2: A Crow Perched on an Old Dead Tree Snag...A Pair of American Bald Eagles Perched in an Old Tree Snag 3: A Pair of American Bald Eagles Stand on the Shoreline...A Trio of American Bald Eagles Perched in an Old Tree Snag 4: A Wet Brown Bear with Water Running off of its Fur...Air Plants Adorn the Trees in South Florida 5: American Alligator Eats its Prey on Floridas Gulf Coast...American Coot Floats on the Water 6: American White Pelican Spreads Its Wings Above a Salt Water Lagoon...An American Bald Eagle Grabs a Fish with its Talons 7: An American Bald Eagle Lunges Toward its Prey Below the Water...An American Bald Eagle Walks Hunts Along the Shoreline 8: An American Bald Eagle Walks Intently Toward its Prey...Black Skimmer Bird Walks in the Sand 9: Brown Bear Cubs Resting on a River Bank...Close View of Ferns in a Papua New Guinea Forest 10: Close View of a Palm Frond...Eastern White Pelican in Flight 11: Egrets and Herons Wade in the Water...Flock of Common Cranes Flying at Sunset 12: Florida Key Deer in its Grassland Habitat...Great Egret in Flight on Floridas Gulf Coast 13: Griffon Vultures Eating as a Crow Watches Nearby...Osprey Carrying a Fish Back to its Nest 14: Osprey Landing in its Nest near its Partner...Pair of Great Blue Herons Protect the Young in Their Nest 15: Pair of Mute Swans Standing at Waters Edge...Red-Bellied Woodpecker Looks Out from its Nest 16: Red-Shouldered Hawk Perches in a Tree on Floridas Gulf Coast...Slash Pines and Saw Palmettos in Floridas Freshwater Marsh 17: Slender Gray Heron Standing at the Waters Edge...Volcanic Mountain and Clouds with Reflections in Calm Water 18: White Stork Bringing Building Material to her Nest of Chicks...Young Mangrove Tree
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