Gallery Page 2 1: A Rufous Hummingbird Hovering at a Thistle Flower (Selasphorus Rufus), New Mexico, USA...Bush Viper, Atheris Squamiger 2: Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula Calliope).Male.Smallest Hummingbird Which Migrates to United States...Female Rufous Hummingbird, Selasphorus Rufus, Nectaring at Flowers, Western USA 3: Fisher, Martes Pennanti, Juvenile Hanging from a Flowering Tree Branch, North America...Male Black-Chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus Alexandri, Nectaring at a Flower, Western USA 4: Male Gadwall Duck Swimming, Anas Strepera, North America...Red-Tailed Hawk, Buteo Jamaicensis, Head Showing its Eye and Bill, North America 5: Red-Tailed Hawk, Buteo Jamaicensis, Perched While Hunting and Showing its Red Tail Feathers...Two White-Tailed Deer Fawns in Wildflower Meadow, Odocoileus Virginianus, North America 6: Usambara 3-Horn Chameleon, Chamaeleo Deremensis...Young Eastern Cottontails in a Nest in a Hollow Log (Sylvilagus Floridanus), Minnesota, USA Calliope Hummingbird (Stellula Calliope).Male.Smallest Hummingbird Which Migrates to United States Canada Goose Swimming, Branta Canadensis, North America Canadian Lynx Kitten, Lynx Canadensis, North America Close-Up of a Female Rufous Hummingbird Head, Selasphorus Rufus, Western North America Common Porcupine Juvenile, Erethizon Dorsatum, North America Common Porcupine in a Tree, Erethizon Dorsatum, North America Common Raccoon (Procyon Lotor).Juvenile Desert Cottontail Dwarf Caiman, Paleosuchus Palpebrosus, Amazon Basin, South America Dwarf Caiman, Paleosuchus Palpebrosus, South America Female Canvasback Duck Swimming (Aythya Valisineria), North America Female Rufous Hummingbird, Selasphorus Rufus, Nectaring at Flowers, Western USA
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