Gallery Page 9 1: .Bullfrog (Rana Catesbeiana) on a Lily Pad, North America...Black Mangroves, Avicennia Germinans, and their Numerous Pneumatophores, Florida, USA 2: Blue-Winged Warbler, Vermivora Pinus, Eastern USA...Crested Dwarf Iris, Iris Cristata, Eastern North America 3: Crustose Rock Lichens on an Alpine Rock, Rocky Mountains, North America...Eastern Meadow Vole, Microtus Pennsylvanicus, Eastern North America 4: Fairy Shrimp Female with Eggs (Eubranchipus Vernalis), Eastern USA...Hairs on the Leaf of a Purple Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia Purpurea, North America 5: Kentucky Salamander, Plethodon Kentucki, . Kentucky, USA...Morel Mushrooms Among Violets, Morchella Esculenta, Central USA 6: Mottled Duck, Anas Fulvigula, North America...Owl Pellets from a Long-Eared Owl, Showing the Hair and Bones of its Prey, Asio Otus, USA 7: Pickerel Frog (Rana Palustris), Central USA...Rusty Crayfish in its Stream Habitat, Orconectes Rusticus, Ohio, USA 8: Scaled Quail (Callipepla Squamata), Texas, USA...Tamarck or American Larch Seed Cones in the Spring, Larix Larcina, North America 9: Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio Glaucus) Eastern USA...Wood Frog Eggs, Rana Sylvatica, North America 10: Wood Frog, Rana Sylvatica, Eastern North America...Zebra Mussels from Lake Erie, , Dreissena Polymorpha Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly (Papilio Glaucus) Eastern USA Trees Chewed by Beavers, Castor Canadensis, North America Umbrella Magnolia Flower, Magnolia Tripetala, Eastern North America Underwater View of Bladderwort Showing its Bladders Used to Capture Prey, Utricularia, Central USA Various Crustose Lichens Growing on the Bark of a Mangrove Tree, Florida, USA Western Kingbird, Tyrannus Verticalis, Western North America Whimbrel, Numenius Phaeopus, Florida, USA White-Footed Mouse, Peromyscus Leucopus, Central USA White-Footed Mouse, Peromyscus Leucopus, Eating a Berry, Ohio White-Footed Mouse, Peromyscus Leucopus, Ohio, USA White-Footed Mouse, Peromyscus Leucopus, Peering from a Hole in a Birch Tree, Ohio, USA Wood Frog Eggs, Rana Sylvatica, North America
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