Gallery Page 7 1: A Yellow-Eyed Junco, Junco Phseonotus, Madera Canyon, Arizona, USA...Arizona Woodpecker Female Perched on a Snag (Picoides Arizonae), Arizona, USA 2: Arizona Woodpecker Female on an Oak Branch (Picoides Arizonae), Arizona, USA...Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella Breweri) on an Agave Leaf, Arizona, USA 3: Bridled Titmouse (Baeolophus Wollweberi) on a Branch, Southern Arizona, USA...Common Ground Dove Nest with Two Eggs, Columbina Passerina, Texas, USA 4: Common Poorwill, Phalaenoptilus Nuttallii, Western USA...Elf Owl (Micrathene Whitneyi), Sonoran Desert, Arizona, USA 5: Female Anna's Hummingbird, Calypte Anna, Feeding at a Flower, California, USA...Grace's Warbler Female (Dendroica Graciae) Perched on a Branch, Arizona, USA 6: Gray Fox, Urocyon Cinereoargenteus, North America...House Finch Male and Female (Carpodacus Mexicanus) on a Perch, Arizona, USA 7: Killdeer (Charadrius Vociferous) Incubating Eggs on its Ground Nest on Rocky Soil, North America...Male Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte Anna) Hovering at Yellow Tubular Flower 8: Male Black-Chinned Hummingbird, Archilochus Alexandri, Feeding at a Flower, Western USA...Northern Flicker (Colaptes Auratus), USA 9: Northern Mockingbird (Mimus Polyglottos) on a Snag, North America...Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus Rufus) Feeding at a Flower, Western North America 10: Rufous Hummingbird Female (Selasphorus Rufus) Feeding at a Hyssop Flower (Agastache), Arizona, USA...Tufted Titmouse Nest with Six Eggs, Baeolophus Bicolor, Eastern North America 11: Verdin...White-Tailed Ptarmigan, Lagopus Leucurus, in its Plumage Between Summer and Winter, North America 12: Wilson's Plover, Charadrius Wilsonia, North America Killdeer (Charadrius Vociferous) Incubating Eggs on its Ground Nest on Rocky Soil, North America Ladder-Backed Woodpecker Female on an Oak Branch (Picoides Scalaris), Arizona, USA Ladder-Backed Woodpecker Male (Picoides Scalaris) on Agave Palmeri Seed Pods, Arizona, USA Ladder-Backed Woodpecker Male (Picoides Scalaris) on a Lichen-Covered Snag, Arizona, USA Ladder-Backed Woodpecker Male on a Lichen-Covered Snag (Picoides Scalaris), Arizona, USA Ladder-Backed Woodpecker, Picoides Scalaris, at its Nest Hole, North America Lazuli Bunting Male (Passerina Amoena) on a Snag, Arizona, USA Lazuli Bunting Male (Passerina Amoena) on an Ocotillo Branch, Arizona, USA Lincoln's Sparrow (Melospiza Lincolnii) Perched on a Rock, Arizona, USA Lincoln's Sparrow Nest with Four Eggs, Melospiza Lincolnii, North America Male Allen's Hummingbird, Selasphorus Sasin, Feeding at a Flower, North America Male Anna's Hummingbird (Calypte Anna) Hovering at Yellow Tubular Flower
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