Gallery Page 86 1: 12th Air Force Commanding Officers Brief Pilots and Crews Before B-17 Bombers Head to Tunisia...Abdul Ghani Khan, Son of the So-Called Frontier Gandhi 2: Aerial Photographs of Housing Developments...Aerial View of Fruit-Farming Communities Left Unscahted by Allied Air Raids 3: Aerial View of Fruit-Farming Communities Left Unscathed by Allied Air Raids...Aerial View of Smokestacks and Oil Storage Tanks at Humble Oil Co 4: Aerial View of Snow Capped Mountain Range in the Wenner Gren Land Development Area...Aerial View of a Constellation C 49 Cargo Plane Flying over the San Gabriel Mountains 5: Aerial View of a DC-4 Passenger Plane Flying over Midtown Manhattan...Aerial View of the Ruins in Nuremberg after WWII 6: Aerial View of the Suburbs and Farmland Surrounding the City...Air Force Soldiers Manning Anti Aircraft Gun at Base During Allied Campaign in North Africa, WWII 7: Aircraft and Ships in Mediterranean During German Air Raid During North Africa Campaign, WWII...American B-36 Bomber Leaving Vapor Trails During High Altitude Flight over Carswell AFB 8: American Museum of Natural History Artist Brunner Working on Plaster Molds Made from Real Fish...Army pipercub Pilot Lieut. Michael Strok Flies over Cassino Corridor during Air Reconnaissance Duty 9: Artist Coloring Model Made from Original Skull of Styracosaurus, American Museum of Natural History...B-17 Flying Fortress Takes Off over Germany from US 8th Bomber Command Airdrome in Southern England 10: Back Number Magazines Where Back Issues of Publications Are Sold...Bathers Enjoying Coney Island Beaches. Parachute Ride and Steeplechase Park Visible in the Rear 11: Bathroom Sink Covered in Dust after Dust Storm in Dustbowl Area...Boardwalk Pier Jutting Out Into City's Harbor 12: Boat Landing on the Banks of the Hudson River...British Diplomat Lord Alfred Duff-Cooper Reading a Newspaper 13: British Leader Winston Churchill, First Lord of Admiralty and Chairman of Supreme Defense Council...California Oil Co. Drilling Operations on Derrick Off Louisiana Coast 14: Camels Pulling loaded wagons, Driven by Russians Along Muddy Road Past Russian Orthodox Church...Chairman of United Aircraft Frederick B. Rentschler Displaying Part of Turbo Wasp Engine 15: Chairs with Backs Hand Painted by Mexican Native Villagers...Civilians Packing Onto Overcrowded Train Leaving Postwar Berlin 16: Clerks Signaling Whether to Buy or Sell From Floor of Bombay Stock Exchange...Close Up of Sandals on the feet of a Guom, a Native Moroccan Soldier in The French Army 17: Close Up of Telephone Meters at New York Telephone Office...Closeup of Hungarian Count Stephen Bethlen 18: Closeup of Hungarian Regent's Bodyguard Standing at His Post Inside the Royal Palace...Coney Island Parachute Jump Aerial and Beach. Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York. 1951 19: Construction Area: Extreme Danger, Positively No Admittance, Keep Out: Referring to Grand Coulee Da...Countesses of the Court of Quivera For Corn Belt's Prime Social Event, Ak-Sar-Ben Coronation Ball 20: Couple Posing in Photo Booth at the Dam, Town Built for Construction Workers of Grand Coulee Dam...Cruel Display of Racist Condescension in the Land of Segregation 21: Czech Couple Assembling Articles Prob. Costume Jewelry, at Home...Diplomat Joseph P. Kennedy with His Wife Rose Sitting Beside Him 22: Direction Signs on Telephone Pole at Crossroads in This Oil Village 17 Kilometers North of Ploesti....Editor Wilbur Cogshall of the Louisville Courier Journal at His Desk Drinking Boiled Water 23: Editor of the Hindustan Times Devadas Gandhi, Son of Ldr. Mohandas Gandhi, at Work in His Office...Elegant Gold Embroidery and Braid Down Front of Hungarian Prince George Festetics' Gala Dress 24: Elliptical Staircase in the Supreme Court Building...Eton Students in Traditional Tails and Striped Trousers, with Umbrellas, Standing in the Rain 25: Ex-Communist Guerrilla Nim Churl Jin, Greeted by Mother after Two Years with Guerrilla Forces...Exterior View of the Spectacularly Beautiful Sultan Amhed Mosque aka Blue Mosque, Built in 1611 26: Exterior View of the Steeple of a Colonial Church in the Connecticut River Valley...Fashion Designer Vesocskaya Vladislava Shows Off One of Her 250 Ruble Gowns 27: Female Blast Furnace Laborer Lugrash Larry at Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp...Festetics Castle Built in 1650 and Is as Large as Versailles 28: Few Dozen Women Sitting in Ladies Section at Heliopolis Athletic Field...Floor of the Palace of Parliament Building 29: Fort Peck Dam as Featured on the Very First Cover of Life Magazine...Gen. Ira Eaken in Briefing Session by Intelligence Officer Lt. James Parton Uses Pointer on Huge Ma 30: Gene Krupa, American Drummer and Jazz Band Leader, Playing Drums at the Club Hato on the Ginza...Glass Blower Heating Up Molten Glass Prior to Blowing a Glass Piece at Corning Glass Plant 31: Glass Blowers at Work Developing Various Glassware at Corning Glass Plant...Hagenbeck Wallace Circus Posters Plastered over the Windows of a Broken Down Empty Store 32: Hand of James Farley, US Postmaster General, Signing a Letter at Desk in His Office...Helicopter View of the Bus Terminal Building 33: Herd of Cows Grazing in a Field of Fast Growing Kudzu Vines...Hundreds of Pole Trailers Lined Up Next to Bin Trailers for Shipment Overseas 34: Hungarian Men Standing under a 3 Way Directional Sign Pointing to the Near by Cities, Near Budapest...Hungary's Non-Royal Prince George Festetics, Lord of Keszthely, with His Wife 35: Hungary's Regent Admiral Nicholas Horthy, 70, Head of Kingless Kingdom at the Royal Palace...Indian Leader Mohandas Gandhi Reading as He Sits Cross Legged on Floor, at Home 36: Indian Leader Mohandas Gandhi Using His Spinning Wheel in Bungalow at His Nature Clinic...Italian Woman Selling Bread in Her Black Market Street Stall on the Tor Di Nono 37: Japanese Buddhist Priests from the Mountains with Large Conch Like Shells Around Their Necks...Japanese Working in Rice Paddy 38: Jawaharlal Nehru, Pres. of India's Congress Party, Visiting the Gandhi Colony Compound...Kolomon De Kanya, Royal Hungarian Privy Counsellor, Seated at Desk 39: Korean Peasant Carrying Harvested Rice in the Fields under Threats From Communist Guerrillas...Life Photographer Margaret Bourke White with Her Husband, Author Erskine Caldwell in Russia 40: Life Photographer Margaret Bourke-White on Assignment During the Korean War...Lord Castlerosse, Star Columnist of London Daily Express Newspaper 41: Low Aertial View of Housing Community with Rows of Boxey Look-Alike Houses...Man Sitting on the Bank of the Upper Opalescent River, a Branch of the Hudson 42: Man Supervising the Peasant Workers in the Field...Massive Otis Steel Mill Surrounded by Tanker Cars on Railroad Track on a Cloudy Day 43: Maulana Azad, Moslem Head of India's Congress Party, Holding a Lit Cigar...Men Working on Consolidated Edison's Condensation of New York City at the World's Fair, 1939 44: Men Working on Pipes Used to Divert Section of Missouri River During Building of Fort Peck Dam...Mohammed Ali Jinnah, Pres. of India's Moslem League, Dressed in Western-Style Suit in his Study 45: Molten Steel Cascading in Otis Steel Mill in Historic Pouring the Heat Photo...Mourners Gathering Around Funeral Pyre of Assassinated Indian Leader Mohandas K. Gandhi 46: Movie Set Used in Production of Westerns Built on the Edge of a Hill of the Paramount Studios Ranch...Naked Bodies piled high of Prisoners Who Died Recently Outside Buchenwald Concentration Camp 47: Native Carpenter Phillip Mbhele Wearing WE DON'T WANT PASSES tag...Newly Stamped Bar of Gold Resting on the Lip of a Melting Furnace at the Us Assay Office 48: Newsgirl Peddling Jurnalul with Lead Proclaiming a Russian German Alliance...Oil Well Rigs in a Texaco Oil Field 49: Old Fashion Dress from Woman's Suit Design at Aaron Goldstein and Company Garment Factory...Ore Carrier La Belle Arriving to Take on Cargo of Ore in the Great Lakes 50: Organist Harold Vincent Milligan Playing Organ During Service at Riverside Church...Panaromic View of Rome from Atop St. Peter's Basilica Looking Down on St. Peter's Square 51: Parachute Jumper Testing Equipment for the Irving Air Chute Co. Gets Some Help...Pedestrians Hustling Past in Front of Main Entrance to the Royal Palace Where King Carol II Resides 52: Pedestrians Waiting for Streetcar in Quiet Town with Recent Nazi Outbreaks on the Polish Border...People on Cots and Standing in Mayakovsky Subway Station During WWII Air Raid 53: Percussionist Ruben Katz Playing the Bass Drum in the New York Philharmonic...Pistol Engraver Harry Jarvis Disassembling Revolver at Smith and Wesson's Gunmaking Plant 54: Pittsburgh Businessmen at Upscale Bar...Pontoon Wing and Passenger Section of Pan American Airways During Company's Flight Survey 55: Portrait of Amer. Amassador William C. Bullitt...Portrait of Diplomat Joseph P. Kennedy Reading a Book in His Study 56: Portrait of Diplomat Joseph P. Kennedy Sitting in His Study...Portrait of Hungarian Count Paul Teleki, the Minister of Education 57: Portrait of Hungarian Count Stephen Bethlen at Home...Portrait of Kolomon De Kanya, Royal Hungarian Privy Counsellor 58: Portrait of Madame Kai-Shek at Home...Portrait of Secy. of State Cordell Hull 59: Portrait of Tibor Eckhardt, the Ldr. of the Hungarian Peasant Party...Portrait of a Spanish Loyalist Soldier During the War 60: Post WWII German Refugees and Displaced Persons Crowding Every Square Inch of a Train Leaving Berli...Princess of Berar Duru Shevar, Wife of the Heir to the Throne of Hyderabad, in Chamber of the Palac 61: Prisoners at the Gates of the Buchenwald Concentration Camp Near the End of WWII...Ramshackle Barn with Farmer and Kids in Front Sharpening a Sickle Blade During Drought in Midwest 62: Rayon Yarn on Spools at the Industrial Rayon Corp. Factory...Robertsi Gazelle from Kenya Serengeti in Storage, American Museum of Natural History 63: Rockefeller Complex and Skate Rink...Royal Guard Standing at Attention Outside Quirinal Palace During Royal Reception 64: Royal Hereditary Doorman and Guard on Duty at the Festetics Castle...Russian Leader Joseph Stalin After Meeting with Harry Hopkins, at Office in the Kremlin 65: Russian Men Dressed in Tunics Standing on the Steps of a Workers Club...Russian Woman Grimly Holding a Slab of Meat as Other Peasant Women Staunchly Stand By 66: Russian Woman Grimly Holding a Slab of Meat as Other Peasant Women Staunchly Stand by in Siberia...SAC's Maintenance Mechanic Sliding Into Barrel of a Bomber's Jet Engine with the Help of His Partne 67: Sac's B-36 Bomber Plane Getting a Thorough Inspection of Its Engines by Maintenance Mechanics...Servants of British Lord Archibald Wavell, Viceroy of India, in Scarlet and Gold Uniforms 68: Servants of British Lord Archibald Wavell, Viceroy of India, in their Scarlet and Gold Uniforms...Sikh Boy with Dagger in His Hair Bathing in Pool of Sacred Waters in Front of the Golden Temple 69: Sikh Carrying His Wife on Shoulders After the Creation of Sikh and Hindu Section of Punjab India...Sikorsky Variable Pitch Propellers Which Add Safety and Efficiency Their Transport and War Planes 70: Silhouette of Russian Orthodox Church Reflecting Off the Water of a Lake at Dusk...Soviet Leader Joseph Stalin 71: Spanish Loyalist Elderly Refugee Woman Taking Refuge in Church after Home was Bombed During War...Steel Worker Mrs. Florence Romanowski Operating Stamping Machine that brands into steels 72: Steel Worker Using Chalk to Mark Defects on Steel so Scarfer Can Remove Them with Acetylene Torch...Susan Clausen Reading Book in Falk School Library at First Baptist Church 73: Suspension Tower of the Golden Gate Bridge at Sunrise...Telephone Operators Consulting Local and Long Distance Books and Directories, New York Telephone Co 74: Telephone Repair Man Splicing a Wire in a Manhole for Telephone Cables of the New York Telephone Co...Timberman Inspecting Timbers in Tunnel of Powderly Anthracite Coal Mine Owned by Hudson Coal Co 75: Tower of Solomon at City N. of Budapest...Two Camouflaged A-20 Attack Planes Sitting on Airstrip at American Desert Air Base, WWII 76: Two Cows, Which Are Sacred in the Hindu Religion, Sitting on a Street in the City...US 8th Bomber Command B-17 Flying Fortress Bombers Getting Into Formation 77: US Navy Grumman J2F-1 Amphibious Aircraft...Upper Middle Class Chanters of the Shrine Glee Club, Singing a Gay 90's Ballad at Dress Rehearsal 78: Usher and a Chauffeur Waiting under Large Displays of Armor in the Lobby the French Ministry of War...View of Horses Grazing on the Flat Hungarian Plains That Pastures Some 90 000 Horses 79: View of Parachute Test with a Weighted Dummy, for the Irving Air Chute Co...View of the Statue of Liberty and the Sklyline of the City 80: Village Officials Doling Out Farm Land to Refugees Who Have Just Arrived from East Punjab...Welder Blanche Jenkins Posing with Helmet Pushed Back on Head at Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp 81: Welder Securing Steel Structure While Working on Hull of a Ship, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Drydock...Woman at Loom at American Woolen Mills 82: Woman of the Hindu Faith, Wearing Head Dress and with Ornamental Ring in Her Pierced Nose...Worker Finishing Sand Mold for an Air-Cooled Airplane Cylinder Head, Aluminum Co. of America Factor 83: Worker Shoveling Limestone Into an Electric Blast Furnace at Republic Steel Mill...Workers Stacking Aluminum Beams in Stockpile Warehouse at Aluminum Company of America Factory 84: Workers Standing Amidst Large Metal Wheel Frames at Tractor Factory...Workmen Builiding Chimneys at World's Biggest Coal-Fueled Generating Plant 85: Workmen High Atop Girders While Building Coal Fueled Generating Plant, under Construction by the TV...Young Couples Dancing at 1 A.M. at the Pig Stand, a Crowded Southside Roadhouse 86: Young Czech Boys and Girls Working on their Lessons in Classroom at Village Public School...Young White Man Standing Next to Statue with God Is Black, Chalked on the Base Outside City Hall
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