Gallery Page 4 1: 3-Month Old Walrus Calf Finds Refuge on Her Mother's Back...A Bowhead Whale, Also Known as a Greenland Right Whale, Smashes its Tail on the Waters Surface 2: A Bridge over a Portion of Multnomah Falls in Oregon...A Close View of a Crevice in Antelope Canyon 3: A Close View of a Group of Alevins, Recently Hatched Atlantic Salmon...A Female Red Salmon Followed by a Male as They Proceed on Their Migratory Route 4: A Flowing River Forms a Scenic View...A Large Group of Atlantic Walruses Basking 5: A Large Group of Red Salmon Swim in the Adams River...A Muskox 6: A Muskox on the Central Barrens of the Northwest Territories...A Polar Bear Plays with a Snowball While Lying on its Back 7: A Polar Bear Rests in the Snow...A Portrait of a Blackbird 8: A Portrait of a Grizzly Bear...A Scenic View of Clouds over the Oregon Coast 9: A Scenic View of Yosemite Valley...A View of a Creek Bed in Oregon 10: A View of a Polar Bear Resting in a Snowfield...A Wood Buffalo Calf Nuzzles its Twin 11: A Young Atlantic Walrus Calf Seeks Refuge from Predators by Climbing on its Mothers Back...A male polar bear taking its image with a camera trap 12: A narwhal surfacing for air with tusk jutting upward...A reindeer takes off across a summer-green Arctic landscape 13: A ring seal looks for polar bears through the surface of its hole...Aerial View of an Iceberg, Antarctica 14: After feeding, a bowhead whale comes to the surface to rest...An American Bald Eagle Flies in for a Landing 15: An American Bald Eagle Grabs a Fish on the Fly...An Arctic Ground Squirrel (Spemophilus Parryii) on a Bed of Kinickinik Vegetation 16: An Arctic Wolf Rests Among Wildflowers...An ivory gull lands on a chunk of upturned sea ice 17: An ultralight aircraft soars above the Arctic Bay ice floe edge...Atlantic Salmon Releasing Milt and Eggs in a Spawning Bed 18: Atlantic Salmon Smolts...Autumn Colors in Denali National Park 19: Autumn View of Tundra and the Ogilvie Mountains...Bowhead Whale Smashes Its 20-Foot-Wide Tail on the Water's Surface 20: Bowhead Whale Sprays Water Through Its Blowhole After a Long Dive...Chinstrap Penguin Chicks, Pygoscelis Antarcticus, Marching into Surf, Deception Island, Antarctica 21: Climbers on El Capitan...Close-Up of Red Sea Urchin, a Favorite Food of the Sea Otter 22: Clouds Form Interesting Patterns in the Evening Sky...Dall's Sheep Ram in a Field of Autumn Grasses 23: Dalls Sheep, Heads Touching, on a Mountain in Denali National Park...Due to High Demand, Atlantic Salmon Are Packed Too Tightly into Pens 24: Ecologist in a Kayak Studies the Behavior of a Bowhead Whale...Fly-Fisherman Plays with an Atlantic Salmon on his Line 25: Fly-Fisherman Tries his Luck in the Early Morning...Helicopter Flies over a Smoking Volcano in Hawaii 26: Hermit Crab in the Shell of a Purple Ringed Top Snail, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada...Intense Auroral Display over Whitehorse, Yukon Territory 27: Its image mirrored in icy water, a polar bear swims submerged...Leopard Seal Hunting Chinstrap Penguins Underwater, Antarctica 28: Leopard Seal Swimming in a Sea of Blue, Antarctica...Moose Feeds in a Small Lake in Alaska 29: Morning Mists Lifting Off of Lewes Lake, Lewes Lake, Yukon Territory, Canada...National Geographic Endeavour Passes a Beautiful Iceberg Arch, Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica 30: Nawhals and breaking ice at the Arctic Bay ice floe edge...Pair of Black-Browed Albatrosses Courting, West Point Island, Falkland Islands 31: Pair of Chinstrap Penguins on an Iceberg, Antarctica...Polar bear tracks melt through the snow on the sea ice 32: Polychrome Mountain and Tundra...Portrait of an Atlantic Walrus, Odobenus Rosmarus, Arctic Circle, Canada 33: Pregnant female narwhal about to give birth...Rice-Sized Copepods are the Primary Food Source for Bowhead Whales 34: Ruins of a Kiva at Mesa Verde National Park...Scenic View of the Adams River 35: School of Atlantic Salmon Hold in a Clear River Waiting for the Right Time to Spawn...Spawning Sockeye Salmon in a Shallow Channel 36: Spawning Sockeye Salmon with Their Mouths Open Wide...Tall Trees are Photographed at an Angle from Below 37: The Aurora Borealis...The Falls of the Ballysadare River in Ireland 38: The Gnarled Bark of a Tree Trunk...Tourist Photographs Two Bowhead Whales Sleeping by the Ice's Edge 39: Trail of Lynx Tracks in the Snow...Two Polar Bear Cubs Rest Their Heads Upon Their Mother 40: Two Polar Bear Skins Hang on a Line...Wandering Albatross Have 11' Wingspans and Stay at Sea for Four Years 41: Wandering Albatross Males Try to Impress a Female with Displays...Women with Dog Watch Dramatic Sunset over Tombstone National Park
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